Friday, 20 February 2015

Almost da weekend!

Itz almost da weekend, and I wonderin wot yoo all got planned?

Dunt furget all yoo Aviators out dere dat tomorrow Satday 21st February is da Barnstormers wif #TheAviators.

Dis gonna be so much fun. As yoo know me and Mojo iz alreddy qwolifyed pilots wif da Aviators so we iz defnittly gonna be takin part in dis adventure.

Here's sum informashon about it, and if yoo not alreddy a pilot wif The Aviators, you can apply by tweeting to @theaviatorsclub on Twitter or @ToddyFur & @3DogsWhite for info on how to join. It's grate fun, me can't recommend it enuff. And as well as all dem egcitin adventures an flights The Aviators also have #Angels wich is a group of dedicayted membas who fly tribute flights or escorts for our pals recently gone over da Rainbow Bridge. Dey is da bestest most sensitive & fortful bunch of anipals yoo cud eva wish to meet.

Anyway, here's da low down on da Barnstormers flights tomorrow night!
" @ToddyFur is doing a repeat of BARNSTORMERS two classes - vintage 1920's stunt flying class - loop da loops - barrel rolls - wing walking and maneuvers on FEB 21 for #TheAviators club members.

Southern Mission (class) flies first - 9AM United Kingdom - WHEELSUP - 4 AM EST USA - New York and the Eastern Seaboard United States

Northern Mission (class) flies later that same day - 8 PM United Kingdom - 3 PM EST USA - New York and the Eastern Seaboard United States

Detailed information for both Basic Flight School 1 FEB and 21 FEB Barnstormers is sticky pinned to the top of #TheAviators club blog:

So please feel welcome to come fly if you can. Remember to use hashtag #TheAviators in all your flight tweets! "

Chocks away! Get me home for tea Ginga! ooops sowwy got carried away dere Bahahahahaha Rushes off to find goggles and flying helmet!


  1. I are gonna go find my goggles too!

  2. Hi Bonnie, Finley sent us over.

    That's an incredible aide to keep you from bumping your nose on stuffs. Glad to meet you.

    1. Hiya pals nice to meet yoo too my fwends. xxx

  3. Hi, Bonnie! Finley sent me here to pay you a visit! BOL! Over the big pond and all, OMD!

    You sure are a furry brave gal!
    You have taught growlmy something tonight, that is, she nevfur knew that there were 'halo' aids fur blind pups. How cool is that!?!


    1. Dem halo's is amazin fings. fink ov all da blind dogs dat get passed ova in shelters cuz dey blind. Wif a halo coat dey cud be rehomed in foruva homes. xxx

  4. Hi Bonnie, Finley sent me over. Very nice to meet you. We have a Welcome wagon and if you would like to be featured just drop me an e-mail with how you came to live with your family and a few pictures and we will get you on it so that everyone can meet you. Send the e-mail to: dcraftsalot(AT)yahoo(DOT)com.

    The welcome wagon addy is:

    We are looking forward to hearing about your adventures at your house.


    1. Fanks pal me got 'My Story' on here but can email it ova to yoo. Fanks xx Nice to meets yoo

  5. Hi Bonnie Grrl! Finley innerduced us to yu so I came ofur to bark at yu.

    1. Hi Zoe my fwend, nice to meet yoo too xx

  6. WELCOME to BLOGVILLE BONNIE.... Finley sent us.... Fur SURE send Oreo your info and he will put it on the Blogville Welcome Wagon... and you will meet TONS of new Blogville Furends...
    We are glad to have you here with us... We have a LOT of fun... Just sayin...

  7. WOW Bonnie, we just LOVE your Halo!! Finley sent us over to say hi!

    Welcome to Blogville, and we can't wait to get to know you better!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  8. Sounds like some exciting stuffs! Finley sent us over and since we are the Mayorz of Blogville we want to officially welcome you to town! We hope to see more of you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Our pal Finley told us about you, so we have popped over to say hi. Looking forward to getting to know you.
