Me furbro Gizmo has been acting weird da last couple days, eatin ok, toiletin ok but hiding unda bushes in da garden and not coming in wen he's called. So fort I'd write up about it in here for any hoos who need to know wen der pet not feeling well and da signs to look for.
It's one ov da most stressful fings when we fall ill. As we can’t tell dem when we feeling ill, it's up to da hoos to observe our behavior and take appropriate action when it'ss not normal. This ‘abnormal’ behaviour, whatever it is, will be one ov da keys to determining health or illness. After all, dey know dere pets better dan anyone else, we hopes. If we very playful every morning and den one morning we is lying in the corner, dat's likely a sign of illness or problem.
Even though it sounds simple and obvious, most ov us furs follow a daily routine and have particular habits. When we suddenly stop following those habits, warning bells should sound for da hoos and a visit to the *wispas* vet is in order. This is especially true of furs dat have been membas ov da fambly for a while as da hoos shud know us best. When it comes to officially diagnosing the actual problem, *ahem puts Matron's hat on* of course the vet is da best hoo for dem to call. However when it comes to observing our natural behaviour, da hoos are da best detective in determining if our behaviour is normal or abnormal.
The process of observation becomes more difficult when we has just recently come into a new home/fambly, cos dey not had us long enuff and it lacks any type of ‘observational history’. Still warin me Matron's hat pals *coughs* In this case dey need to be aware of some of the basic signs of illness in cats and dogs. Dey must also be aware dat most dogs and cats instinctively try to hide illnesses as illness equals vulnerability to predators. We all know dat, but hoos not always understand how we fink. By the time we is showing obvious signs of illness, there is a good chance that we is already fairly sick.
The following signs (and this is only an incomplete and fairly basic list cos after all I am only a fur allbeit a fully qwolified medicul Matron ov Zombie Squad Medics) are good indicators dat dere is a healf problem with us and that we needs to be seen by a vet.
Weight-loss, weakness, disorientation/confusion, loss of appetite, excessive vomiting, excessive diarrhea, excessive scratching, head shaking, difficulty breathing, hiding in general, hiding in dark places, sleeping or resting much more than usual, blood in the urine or stool, making odd noises when touched or picked up, general disinterest in things we likes, difficulty walking or moving about and uncharacteristic discharge from any orifice (dat means opening *nods*) in the our body, deez are all good indicators of a medical problem. Any other symptom not on this list that is abnormal is also an indication of illness. Sorry for da long werds but I tryin to make dis easy for da hoo's cos dey not speek fur langwige.
Ahem... ware woz I? Oh yea....
Being diligent observers, or becoming diligent observers once dey get new furs is one of da best ways to ensure our long term healf. After all, just like humans furs do get sick from time to time and need occasional veterinary visits. The difference between pets and hoos though, is dat most hoos will not try to hide their illnesses. Dey tend to make a meal ov it and make sure everyfur knows dey not feeling well, ahem... hoo flu comes to mind or sumfin similar. So when a fur does show signs of illness, our medical problem might well need immediate veterinary care. That’s why being aware of our normal behaviour, as well as general the signs of illness is so important.
*takes Matron's hat off*
So der yoo haz it. Make sure yoo tell yoor hoo to read dis so dey know if yoo not well or not. Or if dey alreddy know da signs fink abowt sharin yoor noms wiv dem.
Will let yoo all know how Gizmo gets on, Muvver finks he either got wind (gas for all yoo furs ova da pond) or eated sumfin dats upset him. But if he no better by late aftanoon Muvver will nip him into da vet for a checkup! But yoo know us furs, we duz feel poorly one minute den we fine da next. But Muvver wont let Gizmo go any longer dan dis aftanoon feeling poorly pals. Dunt worry!
Right now dat's me lecture ova for today, just a qwick reminder about Firewerks, cos in da UK it coming up to Bonfire Night, wen da hoos let off bangers and firewerks. Tell da hoos to keep curtains/blinds shut, turn up da volume on da tellybox or radio and plug in some pheromone fingies and make a nice dark cave for us to hide in. Keep furs indoors and make sure der microchips is up to date incase scared and run off, and if really scared and shaking, tell da hoos to put a coat on yoo one size too small so it tight, or to spend money on a proper funda jacket wots supposed to stop us feeling vunrubble and upset. hmm... *scratches head wiv claw* I fink dats about it for firewerk advice for da hoos. oooh me almost forgot, if yoor hoos find a lost fur on firewerk night tell dem to take it indoors in a cat basket or crate prefurably, until da morning den ring da local vets. Cos dey probbly lost and scared an need a safe dark quiet sanctuary til da morning wen der owners can be traced.
Right me done now, I gonna go an eat me bacon!
Cya laters pals, rememba, share da love!
Angel Bonnie

A little white dog with a big heart, BonniedaWestie, who had Cushings & SARDS started this blog. She passed over Rainbow Bridge 8th September 2015 after a very short illness. This blog contains information about disabled dogs & blind dogs & where to get help & information. God Bless her beautiful soul. I will miss her and love her forever.
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